Saturday, January 24, 2015

Final Fantasy Tactics

Oh I'm excited about this one! Please tell me you've played it before. Final Fantasy will never have a bigger mark on any genre in the way it did for Final Fantasy Tactics! Often immitated but never correctly duplicated, FFT stands as one of our favorite games! Click to learn why.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Square's FF7 Troll

Trolling can be tolerated in small doses. Except when it is done by the CEO of a well-known company giving an anouncement that was LITERALLY too good to be true. We need to be reminded of the ifamous FF7 Troll!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Signs of a Moron

Welcome to a special episode of Fandom Knight as we focus on answering some of those ever important questions found on Yahoo answers!  It might get a little personal as we see definitive Signs of a Moron!